This Sunday
UU the Vote: Fired Up and Ready to Do Something
As a religious tradition that is focused on this world more than the "next," we are committed to the consequential outcomes of our actions and inactions in this life. Our care and concern goes beyond how we each live with integrity or as a congregation; we hope to see our UU values embodied in all levels of our democracy. What would it mean to UU the Vote this fall? What role and impact can we play as individuals and as a community in the weeks ahead? Rev. Nic will explore these and other practical questions of living with integrity in a time of great consequence.
Last Week's Service
A Watershed Moment
Our annual Water Communion service is a special moment where as a congregation we officially kick-off a new congregational year together. Every time we begin again in love is a beautiful testament to our history, mission, and vision as a congregation. But something about this year feels a little different. Today, we will explore the watershed moment before our congregation, country, and world as we look ahead to another year in community.
Events This Week
Spiritual Living Circle
Monday, September 9 at 12:30 pm
Spiritual Living Circle meets the 2nd Monday of each month from 12:30pm until 2:00pm in the library at UUCCI. Join us for a time of meditation, reflection, and discussion. We use the Spiritual Living Magazine and a metaphysical book of group choice as our source materials.
Choir Practice
Wednesday, September 11 at 7 pm
New voices are always welcome. The UUCCI Choir rehearses 2-3 evenings a month and performs one Sunday morning a month. Contact Louise at
Annual Auction
Saturday, September 14 at 5:30 pm
Three Things We Can Do Better Together:
1. What object, experience, or service can I donate to the auction? Jog your memory of popular things from past auctions and become inspired to create new excitement by reviewing our list of ideas.
2. How can I help us become “Better Together” at the auction by just showing up? VOLUNTEER! We need food and kitchen help, setup of silent auction items, live auction numbering help, teardown and cleanup help, cashier tellers, live auction helpers, musicians, and maybe even childcare helpers.
3. Do I need to pre-register to become a bidder? No, but it would really be helpful and make things run more smoothly if you did. Please study your busy schedule and see if you can attend for the entire evening, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.—We promise to keep you fully engaged the entire time!
Please let the Auction Team know your plans. Register for any of the three things above or even more than one. Do this via our Breeze Form online, or reach out to Cynthia Scott at
Click the link below to register as volunteer, donor, or as a bidder!
Contact Us
If you have questions about our congregation or upcoming events, please reach out